Desperate Housewives 105

發 表 人:eneko_321

本集剛開始時, Susan一頭栽進蛋糕裡, 很爆笑~ 也說出了Susan原來有倒楣神之稱
Carols想哭的時候, 他媽媽哄前, 以為他媽媽是想hug他啦, 原來是摑他一巴掌!! 哈哈哈~~~

Susan and Mysterious Mike finally started :)
I love the look of Mrs. Solis when she said : "I think you do."
Zach is acting really weird~!~ and he said he know why his mother die and becoz of what he did...weird, weird~~ about try to hold Bree's hand thing, maybe he just want to have the feeling with mother again, the feeling of protected by Mom? Last scene, Paul和Zach走了, 不知他們還會否回來呢..

Quotes of this Ep: Gabrielle: "Paul and Zach are fighting again." Lynette: "It's second time this week. They never fight like that when Mary Alice is alive." Susan: "It's a shame that they were such a happy family." Bree: " Just because you didn't hear they fight doesn't mean they are happy."

Bree :"So you want me to lie?"
Lynette(斬釘截鐵地) :"yeah~!~"

Bree向己分居的丈夫說破門進屋的人, 不單只可能是劫財的時候...
Rex: "and end it up with Mrs. Fome? that would be a lose-lose situtation."

這集不及前幾集好, 卻帶來不少新問題 踏入sweep月份, 期待劇情發展~

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