D.H. news/spoiler from Watch with Kristin

From jen226: Is James Denton as scrumptious in person?
I finally can answer that question. He was at the GQ Man of the Year party and was, yes, delish. And had this to say of his newfound fame: "I just had to stop going to the grocery store. I mean, who knew? Who anticipates that as an actor, especially a theater guy? But it just takes me too long to get outta there, because I'll talk to anybody, and everybody wants to talk about the show. Of course, they mainly wanna know what's gonna happen, which I can't tell them, or I'll get fired. But I'll stop and have conversations with everyone...It's a nice problem to have."

From Andrea_Louise: Is it true that gorgeous British pop star Robbie Williams is guesting on Desperate Housewives?No. The show publicist says not true.

From erika: Desperate Housewives spoilers!Edie gets fired from her job, turns out she works for a mattress store (appropriate, no?). And Paul just so happens to be there.

Mike Delfino and Mary Alice Spill Desperate Dirt--Will Another Housewife Bite the Dust?!

by Kristin Veitch Dec. 18, 2004(The artist formerly known as Wanda)

"Only time will tell if this is infatuation or true love."
A clearly skeptical Marcia Cross told me precisely that when I visited the Desperate Housewives set a few days after the show's record-shattering debut on ABC, saying she questioned whether the audience was in it for the long haul.

Two months and five Golden Globe nominations later, and I think we have our answer, no?
Last week's episode (in which Gabrielle was "found out," hubby Carlos was arrested, and that creepy Zach shacked up with Susan's darling daughter) left me gasping, no, panting, for more.
While other producers might sit back and soak in this overwhelming success (sipping mai tais with one perfectly manicured hand; calling in half-assed script changes with the other), Marc Cherry and his writing team clearly have taken nothing for granted and are working overtime to assure they live up to the hype.

Insert cartoon birds twittering around my head, for I am truly, madly, deeply in love. And clearly, I'm not alone.

Mike Delfino's Spilling Secrets! James Denton (the plumber like no other on Housewives) kindly took the time to chitchat about the series the day of the Golden Globes nominations. (And let me tell you, Teri Hatcher was right that "he could not be more adorable and could not be more married.")

Now, I don't want to get anyone too worked up here (perhaps impossible when speaking of J.D.) but it sounds like another character is getting killed off of Desperate Housewives in February.
When asked the general question, "Who's getting killed off next?" James replied, "I don't know who's going to get killed in February. I hope it's not me, but it looks like a big sweeps stunt."
Whosey, whatsey, huh? Another death in February?

A friend who works on the show had a similar response: "I have the first two scripts for February, and, so far, nothing is in my scripts," she told me. "But [Mrs. Huber's death] pulled in such huge numbers in November that it wouldn't surprise me if they did it again."

James said the actors are a bit scared. "Now that we're sure that the show's going to make it, all the actors are afraid that we're going to get killed," he explained. "So, we grab a script, and we're looking through it to make sure we're still alive. Even Teri [Hatcher] said to me the other day 'I just know that they're gonna kill me off.' I was like, um, Teri, it's kinda your show, so I think you're safe."

Speaking of his lovey-dovey pookie Susan (Hatcher), James shed a little light on his spank-worthy motivations.

"Mike is just a guy who's there on a very personal mission to find out something about one of the families," James said. "He just doesn't know which one it is, so he's having to sort of spy on all of the families and ingratiate himself with all the different women. He's starting obviously with Susan, so you have to wonder how much of what he's doing and saying is sincere, and how much of it is just to, you know, work his way into the neighborhood."

"Lost" news/spoiler from Watch with Kristin

From greglewis: Lost! Why aren't you giving us the goods today?Because I'm secretly planning a move to Hawaii after talking to Josh Holloway at the GQ Man of the Year event and hearing that the cast "just started this great tradition. We all get together at whoever's house the flashback is [of], and we all sit around the living room, and watch it and we laugh at each other and make fun of each other...It's awesome." I mean, is there any place you'd rather be?

From Clarence: Lost, spill!When asked if there is future romance for Jack and Kate, Matthew Fox says, "Yeah, I think there probably is. I really love what we're doing with that thing. You know, I have a feeling that there's something happening between Kate and Sawyer as well, and I think that relationship might beat the Kate and Jack relationship to the punch, but again, I think, over the long term, that Jack and Kate will find a way to come together." Evie is learning how to walk that fine spoiler line: "There is a definite and clear love triangle that we've seen emerge that's becoming more and more pointed, but where that triangle will split, we'll have to wait and see."

From bristow: How great is that nomination for the Lost cast! So, can you please tell us some Lost news? I can't handle not knowing about the crazy meds guy for so long!I don't want to spill because I'm not positive they're going through with that storyline. I will say this, though, one of you tubers knew something I didn't know in last week's chat, and now that I know, I'm well, I'm floored. If you look back, you might be able to see the spoiler I pooh-poohed that's actually correct.

From meork74: Lost! What happened to Claire (Emilie de Ravin)?She is not gone for good.

From cgrnamigo: Any news on Lost? C'mon, we need dirt!Did you see the scoop in the column this week? I'm hearing there is much, much more to Ethan than meets the eye...Though, William Mapother said he only shot three episodes, so we won't be seeing him for quite some time. But I get the sense Ethan is anything but your average villain.

Desperate Housewives 109 - Suspicious Minds

by Sze(eneko_321)

先熱烈恭賀DH榮獲5個GG提名~ 包括Comedy Series, 3項Comdey series Lead Actress及1項 Comdey Series Supporting Actress
~ 這的確是部好劇集~~
上集, Paul殺了Mrs. Huber。 今集, 卻見他草草率率地埋了Mrs. Huber。 (我的版, 有版友打趣說Paul敢情是沒看過CSI, 竟會埋得那麼草率, 還跟殺人凶器埋在一起。)

醒覺到不可再吃藥的Lynette察覺到自己再無精力照顧三個破壞王跟一個bb, 就乾脆跟老公Tom建議請褓姆。本來Tom想到家裡又要多一筆費用時, 猶豫起來, 但考慮到Lynette說她這樣下去, 早晚會發神經時, Tom就應承她囉~ 最後, Lynette從公園找來Marla Sokoloff演的Claire來當褓姆。

Bree發覺兒子Andrew到現在, 依然無絲毫後悔跟悔改之心, 還發現他吸食大麻. 跟分居中的丈夫Rex商量, 卻換來Rex:「吸大麻有何大不了?每個人都試過吧?」這句毫無想插手意思的回應. 最後, Bree決定以自己的方式拯救Andrew的靈魂。 Gabrielle的與John有染的秘密終於被Susan揭穿. John的母親還以為Susan是與他兒子有染的那個, 賞了她一巴掌之餘還令她當眾出醜. 到最後, Gabrielle向John的母親自白.. 臨結尾時, 有警車向Gabrielle家中駛來, Gabrielle本來以為是John的母親把自己告發跟未成年少年有染. 但被捕的卻原來是自己的老公Carlos... Zach從療養中心逃走出來, 躲到Juile房間裡, 還kiss了Juile(waht a lovely scene~~~)

Paul到處找Zach, 不知道Zach逃到自己家裡來的Susan就成了Juile撒謊的共犯... 今集也多揭露了本劇最mysterious, 最dark的一個秘密. Mary Alice家那個木箱, 藏著的原來是一個成年女人的骸骨, 而不是Zach的妹妹Dana...

ps. 今集整集都不見Mike~

NCIS 2-7 "Call of Silence"

Writer: Roger Director
Director: Tom Wright
Air Date: 11/23/04







LV 2.10 Silver Star

picture source:http://mary-and-danny.org

NBC你Nov. Sweeps才第三名很驚訝嗎?昨晚的LV就是鐵証。

Ed跟Danny說國防部要頒給他銀星勳章,結果Danny又進入Season 2 premiere那付死樣子:焦慮.衝動...結果他請Sam找到一家LA海邊度假小別墅.拉著Mary上小黃車去LA。其他三位美女都說這兩人一定是私奔,所以開始籌畫慶祝新婚party。
Nov. sweeps真的是很恩愛啊.花瓣床.泡泡鴛鴦浴....倒是他們去海邊嬉戲時,我一直想到小千說的"走出攝影棚就是LA",LOL
Ed跟Mike同時也在查綁架案,所以急call Danny回來LV。
結果Mary一回到Monceito,其他三美就說恭喜啊Mary!Mary說恭喜什麼啊?Delinda說糟了我樂隊都安排好了,還有各大看板....Sam馬上打電話去取消蛋糕。結果樂隊唱著恭喜Mary/Danny結婚的歌,還放汽球。Danny走過來看發生什麼事,發現各大看板都在放Danny/Mary新婚快樂動畫,Mary跟Danny尷尬的對望,Mary跟他說:我真的很愛你Danny McCoy,但是我們在一起真的是太勉強。


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