Favorite Syd Vaughn moments 第一/二季

wallpaper credit:gertie

影音檔來源:Alias Media
照片來源:The Safe House
Two Evil Monks - Alias

(所有影音檔皆為.zip,解壓縮後由real player觀看)

1.03 Parity

Sydney: Who am I talking to?
Vaughn: Your invisible friend.
Sydney: Good. Where are you?
Vaughn: Satellite relay station back in LA, watching you from a two-hundred mile orbit.
Sydney: My guardian angel.
Vaughn: I was going to say the same thing to you. Thanks for the promotion.
Sydney: You're welcome.

影音檔:1x03: My Guardian Angel

1-04 A Broken Heart

Vaughn: What wife? I have no wife.
Sydney: No, there was a picture in your office. You and that woman. I thought you were married.
Vaughn: No. She and I are not remotely m-- You thought I was married this whole time?

Vaughn: When you're at your absolute lowest, at your most depressed, just remember that you can always...you know. You got my number.

影音檔:1x04: The Pier

1.08 Time Will Tell

Vaughn: Are you romantically interested in anyone? Could be a question.
Sydney: No, I'm not.
Vaughn: Interesting.
Sydney: Wait, ask me that again.
Vaughn: No, I don't have to. We have our answer right here. That's very good. Moving on.

影音檔:1x08: The Lie Detector Test

1-10 Spirit

Vaughn: (embarrassed) I don't know. I was in this store, you know, um... this little antique place.
Sydney: (big smile) What were you doing in an antique store?
Vaughn: I don't know. (laughs nervously) Whatever. Um, look, if you don't like it just... don't tell me.

影音檔:1x10: The Christmas Present

1.12 The Box, Part 1
Syd在得知母親真相後,情緒一度崩潰,讓 Vaughn第一次提供她溫暖的安慰與擁抱。

Sydney: There's this woman, a personality like a collage I've put together from the photographs, the few memories I have, the scraps of stories I've heard, the clothes of hers I've got, her books. None of it's real. She wasn't that woman at all. She was a horrible person--who killed your father. Vaughn, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry. [Sydney looks tearfully at Vaughn. He walks over to Syd and silently embraces her, cradling her head with one hand and gently patting her back with the other.]

影音檔:1x12: The Box Hug


Sydney: You like hockey, right? The Kings?
Vaughn: Yeah. How did you--
Sydney: The pen you keep in your briefcase. Its a Kings pen.
Vaughn: Yeah, I got that at--
Sydney: They're playing the Islanders next week. We should go.
[Vaughn looks up at Sydney with a surprised and happy grin that quickly falls into a concerned frown.]
Vaughn: Sydney, you can't do this.

影音檔:1x12: A Kings Game

1-14 The Coup

Vaughn: Yeah. Last week, when you talked about quitting SD-6--
Sydney: I was being naive.
Vaughn: No, but, um, what you said about wanting to go to a hockey game... wanting me to be part of your life... I, uh, I think I wasn't clear about something. (pause) That it would be nice to be in public with you, to actually get to look at you. Grab a pizza or go to a hockey game. I-I just... I wasn't clear that I would really like that, too.

影音檔: 1x14: Griffith Park

1.15 Page 47

Vaughn: You said Emily invited you and a friend.
Sydney: Mm-hmm.
Vaughn: You taking anyone?

1-16 The Prophecy

Sydney: We'd have to leave tonight. You in?
Vaughn: (shy smile) Yeah. I'll break into the Vatican with you.

影音檔:1x16: Vatican Break In

1-21 Rendezvous

Weiss: I don't want your thanks. I want it to stop.
Vaughn: Look, Sydney's my responsibility . . .
Weiss: Mike, I'm not going to trivialize your relationship with her by calling it a crush . . .
Vaughn: A crush?
Weiss: But whatever it is, it's starting to affect me and if that sounds selfish to you, I was hoping to retire fully vested. I know you genuinely care for her. I do, too. But there is a line that we have been sworn not to cross. We're about a mile past that.
Vaughn: I don't know how to be Sydney's handler without making it personal.
Weiss: Figure out a way.

影音檔:1x21: Crossing the Line

1-22 Almost Thirty Years

Sydney: Hi. How did you find me?
Vaughn: You told me a couple of months ago that when you feel the need to disappear, you go to the observatory. But the observatory was closed. And then I remembered you said the pier calms you down. But you weren't there. And you weren't at the bluffs and the palisades, either.
Sydney: You didn't really go to all those places.
Vaughn: Yeah, I did. And then I remembered you liked the train station, too. Normal people going to their normal jobs.
Sydney: I can't believe you remember that.

2.01 The Enemy Walks In

Sydney: Anything?
Vaughn: Not yet. So, hey, you know there's some really good restaurants in Barcelona.
Sydney: Yeah, I know.
Vaughn: You know what I was thinkin'?
Sydney: I think I do.
Vaughn: If we could actually be seen in public together, we'd hit the bible and we could get a bite.
Weiss: Yeah, can the whole team come, `cause I'm starving.

2.04 Dead Drop

Vaughn: Good. Listen, as far as your mother's concerned, it's ridiculous for you to worry about me. I mean, I'm fine. What she did to my father, I can handle. But, when I heard what your father did, coming to see you like that, I realized how insane it must be for him, having your mother back in his life. Which only concerns me because that means he's not making it any easier for you. So, before you leave for Moscow, I just wanted to say that you might feel alone in all this, like you don't have an ally. I'm your ally. Never question that.

影音檔:2x04: I'm Your Ally

2.06 Salvation

Sydney: You know any jokes? Cause I could use one.
Vaughn: This grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you." And the grasshopper says...
Sydney: You have a drink named Doug?
Vaughn: Well I was going to use 'Phil.'
Sydney (big smile): 'Phil' is certainly no funnier than 'Doug.'
Vaughn (big smile): Well, I'm sorry. It's a non-humorous joke.

影音檔:2x06: The Grasshopper Joke

影音檔:2x06: Don't Frost the Pie

2.07 The Counteragent

Vaughn: I understand you met Alice.
Sydney: She seems nice.
Vaughn: Yeah, she is. She's a good person. [...]
Sydney: You don't have to explain.
Vaughn: No, I know, but i want to, because if things were the other way around...
Sydney: Seriously, don't explain.

影音檔:2x07: The Hospital Scene

2-08 Passage, Part I

Vaughn: This watch belonged to my father. It's broken now, but it used to keep perfect time. And when he gave it to me, he said, "You could set your heart by this watch." It stopped October 1st: the day we met. (Sydney is about to respond when her pager goes off, then Vaughn's goes off as well. They look to see who it is.) Kendall.
Sydney: Me too.

影音檔:2x08: The Watch

2-10 The Abduction

Vaughn: Oh, by the way, I'm meeting with Will tomorrow to help him prep for his psych evaluation.
Sydney: Thank you. And I like it.
Vaughn: What?
Sydney: Your new suit.
Vaughn: Oh. It's not new. I just... don't wear it that often. I came from a funeral. Alice's father died.

影音檔:2x10: Abduction: About the Bar

2-11 A Higher Echelon

Sydney: I have a crush on a guy from work.
Francie: Really? Who is he?
Sydney: Someone in my department. We've worked together for about a year now.

影音檔:2x11: Girl Talk

2-12 The Getaway

Vaughn: The nearest Alliance cell is in Zurich. The CIA tracks SD-6 security section. There haven't been any signals, no movement.
Sydney: You're serious.
Vaughn: We've been to restaurants and sat near each other. We've met in parks and convenience stores, and all of them in LA where we are much more likely to be seen. Look, two things -- one, I think it's not that great a risk and two, I am hungry. I'm starving. I mean, we're going to be together anyway, why can't we be eating? Aren't you hungry?
Sydney: Yeah, I'm hungry. (Pauses) Let's do it.

影音檔:2x12: The Getaway: Dinner?
2x12: On the Date Part I
2x12: On the Date Part II
2x12: On the Date Part III

這一集雖然因為超級盃轉播的關係,延遲了播出時間,可是那一幕天旋地轉360度 之吻,讓所有的等待都值得。
2-13 Phase One

Sydney: What?
Vaughn: I think you know what.
Sydney: I need you to tell me.
Vaughn: You need me to tell you what? That when you're on operations, I can't sleep at night. That when we're in debrief I have to force myself to remember what the hell we're supposed to be reviewing. When all I want to do is kiss you.

影音檔:2x13: The Flirting Corner

360度之吻影音檔:2x14: The Aftermath

2-14 Double Agent

Sydney: About last night ...
Vaughn: Is this going to be about Alice?
Sydney: I know it's complicated ...
Vaughn: We're not together anymore.
Sydney: Since when?
Vaughn: Since this morning. The truth is, we've been over for a long time.

影音檔:2x14: About Last Night...

2.15 A Free Agent

Sydney: How are we going to stay awake today?
Vaughn: Who cares?
Sydney: Vaughn...
Vaughn: Why don't you ever call me Michael?
Sydney: I do sometimes. (pause) Vaughn...
Vaughn (laughs): What?
Sydney: I'm graduating today.
Vaughn: What? When the hell did you have time to take a class this year?
Sydney: I wasn't even going to go to the ceremony but... And I've been lying here remembering why I never gave school up and why I killed myself writing papers instead of... I don't know, accepting that I'd be an agent forever.
Vaughn: You're going to quit the CIA, aren't you?

影音檔:2x15: Pillow Talk

2-16 Firebomb

Vaughn: Can it wait?
Weiss: Apparently not, he wants Sydney too. Are you with her?
Vaughn: Uh ... No. I haven't seen her.
Weiss: You're in bed with her right now, aren't you?
Vaughn: I'm trying: just find out what he wants.

2-17 A Dark Turn

Vaughn: Look, there is something you don't know about me. I don't like it when people question my loyalty. It makes me insane.
Sydney: This isn't about loyalty. I never said anything about loyalty.
Vaughn: When you ask me if I'm keeping secrets, the suggestion's pretty clear.
Sydney: And you know what? Secrets will be a problem between us. After everything we've been through, you should know that.

影音檔:2x17: Secrets

2-18 Truth Takes Time

Sydney: You bought Vaughn a present?
Francie: Why not?
Will: Because it's the weirdest thing of all time?

2-19 Endgame

Sydney: Vaughn. I mean, okay. The backpack is getting a little ridiculous.
Vaughn: What do you mean?
Sydney: (she points to her bureau) The middle drawer. It's yours.

影音檔:Sydney's Drawer

2-22 The Telling

Vaughn: We thought you were dead. They asked me to come back to . . . to explain.
Sydney: Come back from what? What are you talking about? (noticing his hand) Vaughn... why are you wearing that ring?
Vaughn: Syd... since that night... you were missing. You've been missing for almost two years.

影音檔:2x22: The Telling Ending

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