Desperate Housewives Pilot

by eneko_321

我看過Pilot, 的確很不錯 有像American Beauty + Six Feet Under的黑色幽默, 又有一點懸疑性, 確是有令人追看下去的衝動 下文有Pilot內容, 不想知道的人請留意~ pilot一開始, 一個表面上看似生活美滿的家庭主婦Mary Alice Young開槍自殺 她的三位好友在出席她的喪禮時憶起前事種種, 在Alice自殺前她們都有定期meeting, 類似SATC四女經常聚首一堂說東說西 Susan Mayer是一個帶著女兒的單親母親, 在女兒的鼓勵下, 正即極尋找自己的第二春。她喜歡上新近搬來的男人, 但同村的一個蕩婦似乎也看中了他。而且, 那個男人似乎有些不可告人的秘密... Lynette Scavo, 曾經是一個女強人, 嫁人後, 就退隱江湖, 專心相夫教子, 四個頑皮子女卻令她吃不消 Bree Van De Kamp, 一個前超級名模 擁有一個女人想要的東西: 一個有錢老公, 住大屋, 過著奢華生活 在表面一齊富足背後, 卻偷偷跟一個年僅十七歲的園丁偷情 在出席喪禮過後, 三位好友替Alice處理遺物, 卻發現一封給Alice的匿名威脅信 三位好友卻從來不知Alice遇上此等事, 遂決心要查出這封匿名威脅信的背後故事 而Alice的老公也表現得怪怪的, 還會午夜起來掘地 這個表面正常的家庭, 似乎真的隱藏了一些不可告人的秘密...

News provided by Alyx

FROM EW ONLINE ''Housewives'' scores strong debut. More than 21.3 million watched the season debut, aiding ABC's comeback by Brian Hiatt There must be a lot of unhappy suburbanites out there. ABC's Desperate Housewives, which presents a dark view of the 'burbs, was a huge hit in its series debut Sunday night, nabbing 21.3 million viewers, according to wire service reports. The show, which kicked off with a housewife's apparent suicide, was ABC's most-watched series premiere since Spin City in 1996. It's also the highest-rated series debut on any network this fall, beating even CSI: NY and Joey, according to Reuters. ABC, which had slipped to fourth place among the networks, has had other good news this season. The new desert-island drama Lost has scored solid ratings, and Boston Legal, a spinoff of The Practice that airs directly after Housewives, won its timeslot. However, the network's Apprentice-like The Benefactor, with billionaire Mark Cuban playing a philanthropic version of Donald Trump, has failed to connect with viewers. (Posted:10/05/04)
awesome quotes (By Chungirl)

Susan Mayer(to daughter):Can I use your child supper for plastic surgery?

Bree's husband:I can't believe you tried to kill me!
Bree:well I feel badly about that. Desperate Housewives

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