Desperate.Housewives.111 - ”Move On” review

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By Sze

Mrs. Huber的搜尋行動正式開始, 但大部份Wisteria Lane的居民都對此不太在乎, 包括Mrs. Huber的妹妹在內, 甚至說"I hate Marth Huber. On the day she died, this world become a better place!"
由於Paul怕自己殺Mrs. Huber的事情敗露, 決定插贓嫁禍另一人..
Carlos依然被監禁, Gabrielle開始憂心她的生計. 在無可耐何下, 唯有重執她的故業 - SuperModel. 只是收入不及從前, 而且她一點都不想被其他人知道她的生計開始出現問題. 最後, 她向律師交出上集被她丟到火爐裡, 燒得不完整的Carlos的passport.
Susan跟Mike的感情進展穩定, 縱使Susan的前夫似乎想從拾舊好, 但一切隨Susan向Mike說"I love you."而告吹.
Bree starts to get over Rex and try to move on and she is dating a pharmacist now. Lynette因為發現Tom似乎被Claire的青春可人吸引, 決定辭退這個可愛的nanny.
今集, 最後一幕, 終於有人發現Mrs. Huber的屍體...
I must say I m a little bit disappointed about this ep. maybe becoz this ep got less suprise that DH used to be or maybe becoz it didn't furthur develop the plot mentioned before like Andrew screw up or Susan/Juile releationship gone bad, etc. But still, I enjoy the plot about Paul's murder and the dark humor lines in this ep.

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