TV Guide最性感電視男星─ Tom Westman

Tom Westman Posted by Hello


"I kept a Survivor journal, and before we got to Palau I had nicknames for everyone. Tom's was 'good-looking, gray-haired firefighter.' I pictured him sliding down a pole every time I saw him. He may have gray hair, but he's only 41, and he's a man of steel! Women I meet now are like, 'When Tom was pulling that rope underwater - oooh!' Survivor is ultimately about, 'Who do you want to be sitting with?' And Tom is surprisingly funny. He told great stories, mostly about getting in trouble in Catholic school. But the hottest thing about Tom is how much he loves his wife. There's nothing sexier than a man who isn't afraid to say that his favorite smell is the scent of his wife's neck." - Katie Gallagher

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