Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip獲nbc續約全季
6:50 下午 | | 0 Comments
這個禮拜真是壞男孩感性週,Nip/Tuck的Christian Troy與Lost的Sawyer不約而同說了I love you too。
Kate美美師奶look(Nathan Fillion we miss you!)
I love you too
Lost第三季很明顯的向觀眾口味靠攏:看Josh Holloway(Sawyer)為封面的電視週刊銷售量超過同劇演員版本封面,就猛加他的戲;看到大家都愛Kate/Sawyer配對,帥醫生Jack馬上被成活動背景。這一季開始Sawyer跟Kate被關在不同籠子,雖然觸不到對方,他們也沒閒著:Sawyer冒著被痛毆的危險狂吻了Kate、Kate為了阻止Sawyer被拳打腳踢,大聲承認對他的愛意、 Kate雖然事後馬上否認,可是她逃出後為了不拖累Sawyer,硬生生又爬回籠子的舉動更是證明了愛意。然而昨天兩人終於有機會共赴雲雨,還被Jack從監視器看到過程,才是JJ大玩shipper的開始。Sawyer抱著半裸的Kate,帶著天塌下來也不在乎的笑容,溫柔的說了一句深怕沒機會再說的:我也愛妳。
2:32 下午 | | 3 Comments
Prison Break s2e10 Rendezvous
監獄大小哥不知不覺也逃出來十集了,這當中犧牲了不少人,有人為了生存作出更多違法的事,最應當被捕回籠的卻仍逍遙法外。這一集Michael心愛的女醫生Sara終於循線索與小哥相逢,當然免不了一場天人交戰,令人髮指的是TPTB一點甜頭也不賞,頂多一個擁抱外加包紮傷口就打發了觀眾,尤其他洗完澡後發現Sara也不告而別的失落面容,千辛萬苦逃出來的小哥一定覺得很不值吧,如果就只能這樣,當初蹲苦窯至少能天天看見她。shipper們只能安慰自己:把分別出浴戲想像成共浴,坐在床邊聊天戲當作床戲,唉,可憐的MiSa Shiipers。
接下來的疑問:與Michael針鋒相對的FBI探員Mahone是不是最後會發覺真相而向大小哥站同一陣線呢?噁心又變態的T-Bag能不能跟「甜心」重逢?大小哥的爸爸究竟有多神通廣大?Sara何時才願意為愛闖天涯?Prison Break真讓人欲罷不能。
1:24 下午 | | 3 Comments
abc~What About Brian(加訂4集劇本),The Nine,"Help Me Help You,Men in Trees
NBC~Friday Night Lights,Studio 60
FOX~Justice,The Class
8:01 上午 | | 0 Comments
How I met your mother男星Neil Patrick Harris出櫃
Neil Patrick Harris admits he’s gay in an official statement: “The public eye has always been kind to me, and until recently I have been able to live a pretty normal life. Now it seems there is speculation and interest in my private life and relationships. So, rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love.”
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Neil Patrick Harris is gay and wants to quell any rumors to the contrary.
"(I) am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest," Harris tells People magazine's Web site.
The 33-year-old actor said he was motivated to disclose his sexuality because of recent "speculation and interest in my private life and relationships."
Harris stars on the CBS comedy "How I Met Your Mother." He started on TV as a teen, playing the namesake doctor on the series "Doogie Howser, M.D."
DH女星Marcia Cross夫妻自拍裸照外漏
Marcia Cross is a real redhead — judging by some nude photos that the genuinely desperate "Housewife" hopes to keep off the market.
Phoenix-based agent David Hans Schmidt has gotten his hands on more than 200 personal photos of the titian-tressed actress.
"There are some pictures of her showering outside," Schmidt tells us. "She looks absolutely gorgeous. And yes, the carpet does match the curtains."
Schmidt is representing the owner of a carting firm hired to remove trash from Cross' home in L.A. According to Schmidt, one of the firm's employees discovered the photos when he got to the dump.
Cross is demanding their return. Her lawyers argue that no matter where the photos were found, they are the copyrighted property of Cross and her husband, Tom Mahoney, who may have taken some of them. Cross' attorneys maintain the photos were thrown out by mistake.
"The pictures were not stolen," says Schmidt. "When you throw something away, you forfeit that property.
"We recognize the copyright issue, but U.S. copyright law stops at the border," he adds. Schmidt won't say whether he's ready to shop the shots abroad.
Just as he did earlier this year, when he offered to sell Paris Hilton the embarrassing contents of a rent-due storage locker that went up for public auction, Schmidt has invited Cross to buy back her trash.
"I'm not looking to mortify Ms. Cross," says Schmidt. "I just want the most money for my client."
He says that Cross' representatives have so far balked at his price, which he won't name.
Schmidt says his client also has Cross' tax returns. "I know how much she made, but out of respect for Ms. Cross, I won't discuss it," he says.
Cross' lawyers didn't immediately return calls.
Cross, 44, and Mahoney, 48, were married last June. They're expecting their first child in April.
(Thanks to Nate and Alyx for the info)
3:10 下午 | | 0 Comments